Project Bolero Devlog 5


Work Since Last Devlog

Whoops, I got nothing done on the project this week. While I did have several days off, an hours change affected my sleep schedule much harder than expected, and I’ve spent most of my free time snoozing, and most of my awake time feeling like I need to go and take a snooze. It’s probably sleep that I’ve needed to catch up on, but here we are. A Nov 11 release definitely isn’t happening.



That’s OK though, because I did make some improvements to my sample set for MilkyTracker. I found a synth plugin for Audacity called KLSTRBAS which can generate synthetic bass and bell-like sounds from a small set of input parameters. The output can be processed further with other plugins, or within MilkyTracker itself. I got a nice synth bass, synth kick, and a small organ loop out of it, along with a few other doodads.

Audacity has been crashing a lot since the latest update was pushed to my system. The project recovery system has been working most of the time so I’ve just been kind of ignoring it. The WordPress theme for this blog changed drastically as part of an update as well, and I don’t see a way to easily roll it back, and I don’t really have the time to investigate this stuff right now. Oh well.


Plans For Next Week

Re-evaluate goals for platformer project and be back next week with a plan for moving forward.

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