Balleg Devlog Apr 2021

  Troubleshooting a function that returns the smallest angle difference between two planes.   I finished the conversion from floating point coordinates to a pseudo fixed-point form, where every pixel contains 4096×4096 discrete positions. Finally,…

Balleg Devlog Mar 2021

Some floor and obstacle types now support custom surface arrays with linear interpolation.   This month, I finished a teardown and rewrite of the collision and platforming systems that I started in February. I committed…

Balleg Devlog Feb 2021

Testing actor-based obstacles with slope support.   I started the month on track, but then went on a long detour to implement more platforming and collision subsystems and make improvements to the build system. On…

Balleg Devlog Jan 2021

Pic from an unfinished fourth beta level. Testing three layers of parallax scrolling in the background (which of course doesn’t come through at all in a still screenshot, oops.) Top-right: player getting hit by a…

Balleg Devlog (November 2020)

Some miscellaneous room prototyping. I made some good progress on high-level design this month, but didn’t get much done that’s tangible or playable. I’m narrowing the project’s scope a bit to help stay focused. I’ve…

Bolero Devlog (October 2020)

Some no-art prototype structures: oscillating pillars with holes at their midpoints, which are constructed from multiple actors. Red regions are hazardous, blue regions are safe to touch. The white region is a hazard that can…

Bolero Devlog (September 2020)

Experimenting with a rolling state for the player’s shot. I spent the first part of this month working on sprite display features. Then I replaced a lot of hard-coded “opponent behavior” stuff (taking damage, what…

Bolero Devlog (August 2020)

Various test entities made from multiple actors. (Oops, no art makes them really difficult to parse from a freeze frame.) This month, I tried to wrap up some missing pieces that are important to prototyping…

Bolero Devlog (July 2020)

I put some time into getting caught up on maintenance tasks this month. They’re pretty boring to write about, so I’ll just be focusing on new things here. Besides that, the main addition this month…