Feb 2025
A ProdUI workspace test. The snowy background is tied to a workspace render callback, so it only appears when its associated workspace is active. ProdUI Development Changed how widgets are initialized. Previously, the addChild() method…
A ProdUI workspace test. The snowy background is tied to a workspace render callback, so it only appears when its associated workspace is active. ProdUI Development Changed how widgets are initialized. Previously, the addChild() method…
Libraries LXL: Attributes with #FIXED defaults are no longer overwritten. ProdUI Broadened the scope of menus to include full widgets as items. Some menus benefit greatly from having extensible components, and previous attempts to extend…
Much procrastination over the PropertiesBox widget. I restarted the widget code using ListBox as a base. Consolidated some identical menu code from ListBox, TreeBox and PropertiesBox into one shared file (prod_ui/shared/lgc_menu.lua). Changed how “drag to…
Added a multi-state checkbox Minor tweaks and fixes to NumberBox, ComboBox and TextInputSingle Cleanup of TreeBox, ListBox code. Some work on PropertiesBox. Renamed ‘lib/depot.lua’ to ‘ui_load.lua’. Depot was a resource loading library which I don’t…
Finished the TableToString rewrite: T2S2 Updated KEVN, an INI-like config file parser. I later archived the repository because it doesn’t offer many advantages over loading a Lua table constructor. Integrated PILE (collection of Lua snippets)…
I noticed that LXL is slow when reading large XML files under PUC-Lua. The problem is caused by how the library scans the document for valid XML code points. I made some changes to help…
Uploaded LuaTree, a partially complete Lua source parser.
Released LXL (Lua XML Library), a major rewrite of xmlToTable. Rewrote ErrTest and StringWalk (formerly StringReader), and updated UTF8Tools. Most of this work happened in June, and it started from a naive attempt to add…
No project work this month. I’ll stop posting until I have something to write about. (Nothing serious, just poor time management and the programming equivalent of writer’s block.)
Made a dropdown box widget. The single-line text box widget started in November is mostly operational now. Merged the two scrolling register sets (scr, scr2) into one (just scr). uiGraphics: Added a wrapper to setScissor…