Bolero Devlog (June 2020)

A small test world containing various graphical effects. (Video) This month, I added LÖVE SpriteBatches, additional blend modes, and a per-scene shader to the graphics module. Batched drawing of tilemap layers I’ve wanted to optimize…

Bolero Devlog (May 2020)

The overall theme of this month has been “fighting with rectangles,” but let me start by getting a few non-rectangle things out of the way: Non-Rectangle Stuff Opponent Improvements These pink guys have been in…

Bolero Devlog (April 2020)

Swimming WIP. Water Back in January, I implemented a half-hearted underwater state for the player. The reason for doing so was to experiment with conditionally inverting the player’s gravity, depending on if a shot has…

Bolero Devlog (March 2020)

Early work on a subterranean tunnel environment. I wore myself out with several interconnected changes to how maps and tiles work internally. Maps now have more features and fewer arbitrary hard-coded limits, which is great….

Bolero Devlog (February 2020)

A testing area, viewed through Tiled. Top section: elevators and lifts. Bottom section: nondescript spawn points for various traps and prototype enemies. I’ve been working through my backlog of sketches and building gameplay prototypes from…

Bolero Devlog (January 2020)

A reworked HUD, preliminary work on water terrain, and some skipping-and-hopping enemies created as a test.   I had writer’s block (or whatever the gamedev equivalent of that is) since December. To try and kickstart…

2019 Review

Here’s some waffling about 2019 and 2020. Current State of Bolero Quick recap: Bolero is a platformer engine / core that I’m working on. It’s built on top of LÖVE, a cross-platform framework for 2D…

Devlog Interruption

Happy New Year! The only thing I’ve done this week is hang out with my family and eat vast amounts of chocolate, so I don’t have much of anything to post this upcoming Sunday. For…

Project Bolero Devlog 46

Made this annoying jerk to test creatures maintaining a certain distance from the player.   Work Since Last Devlog Breakable Blocks I tried adding a second kind of breakable tilemap block which can be destroyed…

Project Bolero Devlog 45

Work Since Last Devlog Player Handling Added handling for some special cases when the player launches a projectile while holding the down direction. Normally, the shot would be aimed downwards, which works well for mid-air…