Project Bolero Devlog 34

Working on actors being able to trigger scene transitions. In the case of these doors: when no scene trigger is defined, they change their animation to reveal only a brick wall behind them when opened….

Project Bolero Devlog 33

A visualization of a navigation layer used by the platforming and collision detection modules. I realize I haven’t really shown much footage of the engine as it is, so I uploaded some clips to Twitter…

Project Bolero Devlog 32

Testing camera zones with different scrolling rules on a test map. Work Since Last Devlog Mapping Figured out how to make a Tiled tileset as a “Collection of Images” so that spawnpoints can have proper…

Project Bolero Devlog 31

Testing LÖVE / OpenAL Soft audio effects, for which I don’t have a good in-game screenshot to demonstrate, so here’s a pic of an XMPlay spectrum visualization of the output. I uploaded some audio to…

Project Bolero Devlog 30

Testing gamepad input in the in-game prompt. Work Since Last Devlog Input More hacking away at the input system. I found some helpful joystick-related callbacks on the LÖVE wiki (scroll down to the Joystick section)…

Project Bolero Devlog 29

The new in-game overlay / console activated by the backtick key (`). Work Since Last Devlog Integrated those things I wrote in a test environment into the main codebase: Shut off writing logs to disk…

Project Bolero Devlog 28

I have nothing visually interesting to show this weekend, so here is a picture of me debug-logging a virtual sound channel module that I’ve been working on. Work Since Last Devlog Fixed the viewport rendering…

Project Bolero Devlog 27

More work on Tiled integration. Top: Tiled map editor, Bottom: In-game screenshot with debug drawing enabled to show geometry and spawn-points associated with the map. Work Since Last Devlog I went a little overboard this…

Project Bolero Devlog 26

Working on sloped terrain.   Work Since Last Devlog Added some ad hoc debug drawing functions which can be called from game ticks, and defer rendering until love.draw() runs. This is to highlight bounding boxes, print…

Project Bolero Devlog 25

Testing some temporary / stand-in actor types, with easier-to-manage collision detection and movement code than what was in Hibernator. The purple guys actually fall down when not standing on solid terrain, unlike any non-player character…